Steve Williams

Readers Theatre: A creative approach to literacy across the curriculum
Led by Steve Williams and Peter Miles

A one-day seminar for teachers at Key Stages 1 and 2
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A one-day seminar for teachers at Key Stages 3 and 4
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Readers Theatre (RT) is an enjoyable and creative tool for reading, writing and thinking across the curriculum. The term 'Readers Theatre' describes the use or creation of scripts for a special kind of reading performance by pupils. It motivates pupils to think deeply during reading and writing and has been shown to improve their reading fluency, comprehension and vocabulary. Teachers can use Readers Theatre with a wide range of texts including fiction, documentary, history, argument, poetry and news. It is a teaching tool that should be in the repertoire of all teachers of English and the humanities who want to bring reading and writing to life in their classrooms and help pupils appreciate the power of words.

At the end of the day delegates will have:

  • Understood the benefits of Readers Theatre for reading, writing, speaking and listening, thinking and creativity across the curriculum
  • Learned how to make scripts for Readers Theatre and teach pupils to make scripts
  • Learned how to organise Readers Theatre in the classroom and for special events
  • Learned about the many uses of Readers Theatre

Who should attend
Co-ordinators of English and literacy for Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3; Heads of English in secondary schools; LEA literacy consultants; teachers of English, drama, the humanities, PSHE and citizenship.

The seminar leaders
Steve Williams and Peter Miles. Peter has been both a head of drama and a head of English. He trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama, London, and worked for several years as a professional actor. He directs amateur theatre productions and serves as an area drama adjudicator in Yorkshire.

Readers Theatre Girl

Readers Theatre Boy